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A Scottish Junk Food Bonanza

I love junk food. For those who know me this is no big revelation. At work I would hover near the candy jar on the dub stage. When I was a boy it was strawberry Pop Tarts -- no, check that -- it's still strawberry Pop Tarts. As we've travelled this year I've been sampling as many strange junk foods as I can. But today at the grocery store it occurred to me that since I'm finally in a country where I can read labels and, mostly, understand them, my junk food horizons have been opened up immensely. Here are some of the things I've found. Anyone have any other regional favorites I should try?

This copy is just so good I have to repeat it, "Succulent pieces of SPAM covered in a deliciously light and crispy batter."How could I NOT buy meat and pastry in a can?Two great tastes that go great together -- Haggis and Pizza. All right I have to admit I didn't have the guts to buy this, but this same company has a delicious Scottish Cheddar Pizza.

This is like super sugary vanilla fudge. It. Is. Good. No haggis in it though.

Well, dinner's over now and the Steak & Ale Pie was pretty nasty. Brenna, Ella and I all actually liked the SPAM fritters, but Owen had enough sense not to try them. I washed it all down with a McEwens Scotch Ale... and of course the Scottish Tablet for dessert. I think I need to eat some vegetables tomorrow.

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Reader Comments (14)

Bob - We are such kindrid spirits! I am sooooo intrigued with the culinary journey! : ) I might be the only one who does not know, but WHAT is a Haggie??? Keep the food updates coming. I am not sure I have every heard Spam described as "succulent", but I AM glad to hear that it was appreciated. I mean ... almost ANYTHING fried is good, right - wait ... is it fried, or Baked with care???

Love Y'all!

Oct 20, 2009 at 6:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterCynthia Twinkies, Little Debbie anything, or Snicker bars? I will bring you" good ole" American junk food when I come. I am sure we are the world leader for food that has absolutely no nutritional value. That is why we American's are so weight other words......F A's.
Delivering junk food is the least I can do for one of my favorite son's- in-law.

P. S. ..........Haggis and Pizza.....YUCK!

Oct 20, 2009 at 7:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterMOM

Reminds me of our recent 3-week junk food binge in Toronto. But that's another story. LOL

Oct 20, 2009 at 8:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterRosalind

What did you expect from something called "Boozy"? I think you're better off going back for the Haggis Pizza. Oh, and I don't know if you have access to rice in Scotland, but if you get a chance, you have to put together some "Spam Musubi." If you share it with some locals, they'll probably get a kick out of it! It is a "classic" in Hawai'i!
Sounds like you'll definitely have to do an extra lap around the castle for today's "constitutional"!

Oct 20, 2009 at 8:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterNicole

OMG. One word: GROSS. As if Spam isn’t bad enough on it’s own; you ate it fried. No, correct that -- you ate it pre-fried from a container.

Oct 20, 2009 at 11:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterBRL

A fellow junk food eater! At last! Though I'd agree with owen that spam isn't very good. (even though I've never tied it myself.)


Oct 20, 2009 at 1:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterNicole

just as cody say's. three cheers for junk food! the vanilla tablet looks sort of like beef jurky. i agree owen was very smart not to taste the spam fritters. (not that i have tasted them myself i bet i wouldn't like them. the stake and ale pie just goes to show that things may look delisios* but taste horrible.
really miss you guy's :(

*i may not have spelled this word right.

Oct 20, 2009 at 1:28 PM | Unregistered Commentermatthew

I'd like to know who thinks these up and why the USDA doesn't allow them to be available in the US. (Though I DID see Spam hot dogs at Costco just last weekend...) "Spritters" sound like they'd be a hit in the USA too.

Oct 20, 2009 at 2:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterKatie

You do realise you're in the land of the deep-fried Mars bar don't you?! Head to the nearest "chippie", most will happily oblige. Literally a Mar bar, dipped in batter and fried... Disgustingly fabulous (though I'd recommend sharing it as it's super rich!).

Also worth trying are: Percy Pigs from Marks & Spencer (usually found near the check-outs), Wispa bars (like Aeros), and cheesy Wotsits.


Oct 21, 2009 at 2:31 AM | Unregistered CommenterKanga_Rue

How does this NOT sound yummy?

Haggis is a dish containing sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally boiled in the animal's stomach for approximately three hours.

Where can i get me some of that in the USA? Hopefully a buffet too!! Veggies overrated. They'd prob fry them anyways.

PS: Upgrade your pop tarts to frosted... (homer simpson droolin sound effect needed but don't have the redpath skillset). The newest USA version is the Smores! Heaven in a toaster (or straight from wrapper)!

Oct 21, 2009 at 7:57 AM | Unregistered Commentertravis

This is way too great! Spam Fritters have to be delicious. Reminds me of all those times I ate spam wrapped in pancakes! Thank you so much for the laugh. My Mom left town this morning and I really needed one!!!!

Oct 21, 2009 at 10:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterKim

Hey Bob and family,

Your friend from WB Sound Transfer missing you in those ADR sessions. I have been doing a lot of reading with very little postings and I have just been amazed in every post your family shares with us all, what an incredible journey you are on. What ever you do ... DO NOT LIFT A SCOTSMAN KILT!
Anyhow, my Son is from Kilmarnock Scotland and he being a native would never try their HAGGIS! (Which is that's countries signature dish! Give it a try and tell us what you think and what the heck it's made of!

All the Best

Oct 21, 2009 at 8:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterB Pierret

Hey, you're in Scotland now - to really sample junk food at its best you need to go to the nearest chip shop (look for a sleazy looking one) and ask for either a deep fried pizza (it gets battered and then fried in a deep fryer) or deep fried Mars bar (chocolate bar dipped in batter and, yes, fried with the fish in the deep fryer). Until you have sampled that, you haven't lived....
Haggis is mainly blood and oats. It tastes OK if you can forget about the blood. If the blood puts you off too much ask for White Pudding, which is Haggis without the blood. You can get that in the chip shop, battered and deep fried in the deep fat fryer.

Oct 23, 2009 at 2:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterMares

I am not a consumer of processed easy meals. Chances are they have lots of preservatives on those meal sets. I prefer healthy italian food products that are organic.

Oct 4, 2011 at 7:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterGianLuca

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